William Marquiss (Mark) Winland, age 51, died far too young on Thursday, March 29, 2012. To celebrate his life and accomplishments, Mark's family will host a community memorial service, and provide lunch and an opportunity for those who knew and loved him to share stories at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, April 5, 2012 at McManamen Park. At his request, no funeral will be held.Mark devoted his life to having a positive influence on his students and to making a lasting contribution to the amazing natural resources of his beloved Wyoming - "The last great place". In addition to teaching, Mark served as the District Science Facilitator for secondary schools and took a leading role in a variety of local and statewide educational programs. He was highly regarded throughout the region for his knowledge of wildlife issues and his balanced perspective about many potentially controversial matters. Because of his strong reputation, his expertise was sought by many at the state, regional, and federal levels, and his name gave instant credibility to any effort with which he was associated. Mark was on the Board of the Wyoming Wildlife Federation for more than 20 years, and served as the President and acting Executive Director at least twice during that time. He was also the Region 13 Director for the National Wildlife Federation for the last few years, serving Wyoming and its neighboring western states. Mark was appointed by Governor Freudenthal to the original statewide Sage-grouse Working Group and Sage-grouse Implementation Team that developed the core-area concept, and was recently asked to serve again by the team's Facilitator to help refine those invaluable efforts for the benefit of both sage-grouse and Wyoming's energy-based economy. Mark is survived by his wife, Gwyn McKee; parents Bill and Sharon Winland; brother, Cal Winland; sister, Starla (Mark) Shelly, numerous aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews; and three "fur children", all of whom loved him dearly.In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the Wyoming Wildlife Federation, PO Box 106, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003 or click on the link at www.wyomingwildlife.org. Memorials and condolences may be sent in care of Gillette Memorial Chapel, 210 W. 5th Street, Gillette, Wyoming 82716 or condolences via the internet at www.gillettememorialchapel.com.Mark was dearly loved and will be deeply missed. Let his many worthy contributions and accomplishments be his lasting legacy. Funeral Home:Gillette Memorial Chapel210 West Fifth Street Gillette, WYUS 82716